Architectural Visualization: A View to a Thrill

Recent innovations in 3D rendering as well as modern animation techniques have helped architects, builders, engineers and developers create a clearpicture of what a house or building could look like even before they are even built. An appreciation of the final outcome is the key in getting your clients to agree to the project. This challenging and daunting task can now be best realized with Architectural Visualization.

The process of Architectural Visualization looks into creating a detailed perspective of a project. Advances in computer graphics and digital rendering can now provide an almost mirror-image representation of a building or a house. Clients often times express difficulty in visualizing the many angles of a plan if it were conveyed as a narrative or word of mouth. But by displaying the render with a custom graphic animation, you can now showcase a full and detailed presentation to your customer.

Who Needs Architectural Visualizations?

For professionals who value their time and their clients’ resources, Architectural Visualization is the key to effectively and efficiently communicating your project. Among those who can make use of this solution in their respective fields are:

  • Architects
  • Builders
  • Interior Designers
  • Real Estate Agents
  • Urban Planners
  • Mechanical Engineers

Why Hire an Architectural Visualization Artist

For those who want to communicate their master plan with simplicity and ease, an Architectural Visualization Artist is exactly the person you need to lay the ground work for your vision of the project through computer animation. The benefits of which are:

Cost effective. Building a scale model or sample houses can turn out to be more expensive. Architectural Visualization gives you a solution to render your plans in a digital format, with crisp and high resolution images.

Flexibility and ease of use. Improvements and changes have always been an integral component in a design’s creative process. Architectural Visualization provides that flexibility for revision, saving you time and money by resolving issues before even building the structure.

Client Appreciation. Illustrating both the internal and external elements of a building project – from color to texture to the kind of materials to be used in construction, sets the look and feel to match the client’s needs and preferences. Architectural Visualization dictates the tone of your presentation from getting that acknowledgement for you to go ahead with the project.

Marketing Pitch. For real estate agents and developers, Architectural Visualization of your master plan plays a critical role in marketing your project. This is the only marketing pitch you will ever need for your target market to generate interest in your venture. A detailed digital picture of your plan that highlights your development efforts and amenities will make every sale easier to close.

How Long Does the Process Take

Depending on the scale or magnitude of your requirements, a visualization project can range between a few weeks to several months. Your visualization artists will be with you in every step of the design process to ensure that we communicate your ideas the way you want it to be.

How to Choose a Great Artist

Hire experience and trust competence. Over the years, our visualization artists have been molded with the many meticulous requirements of architects, builders, developers and engineers. We pride ourselves with every successful delivery of an architectural visualization project. This experience has also given us the training and discipline to further improve our skills in the art of digital rendition and computer animation. We always look forward to the next challenge as an opportunity to master our craft as Architectural Visualization artists.

If a picture can paint a thousand words, we invite you to look at our portfolio. And if you like what you see – or may require more samples of our work – get in touch with us and our team will be more than happy to assist you.

Interesting in seeing more of our work.  Check it out here:

Jonn Kutyla

The ROI of Outsourcing Architectural Rendering

For many types of businesses, keeping architectural rendering services in house is the less attractive of two options. While there might at first appear to be a built in advantage to keep some level of 3D design staff in house, for the most part outsourcing these functions produces a significant cost savings. For companies where the core function is not 3D rendering, outsourcing architectural rendering services is an exceptionally viable cost cutting measure.

Examples of the need for architectural rendering services abound. Considering that GE is intentionally known for having "Imagination at Work," this space had to be special and reflect this branding image as clearly as possible. The relative costs of outsourcing architectural rendering services versus hiring an in house architect were dramatically different from one another.






This was not a mere interior decorating job that could have been given to nearly anyone with a reasonable eye for detail. This required a substantial amount of custom installations. These included GE branded glass etchings, chairs with retracting desks to facilitate laptop use and writing and full coordination of every detail in the room's overall decor. From the wall and floor colors all the way to the trim and the lighting fixtures, GE's waiting room required a deep level of design skill. Obviously, an investment of this caliber required a 3D rendering for those in charge to review before the various components could be ordered.

For example, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average income level for an architect in the Stamford, CT area is $114,230 per year. This figure only considers base salary, not considering any bonuses a successful architect might earn. As well, this figure does not consider other perks, such as the average of three weeks per year of vacation time that an architect receives as part of overall compensation. As well, a highly detailed 3D drawing by an architect can run $1,500-$2,000 and take a day or more. All of these factors contribute to a reasonably large and repeating cost center.

However, to outsource the need for architectural rendering services to an outside company can largely eliminate these costs. While there are some companies that require a full time designer of this nature, and can thus justify the overall costs associated with keeping someone on the payroll, most companies can save a rather large amount of overhead by outsourcing this portion of their service offering. In almost every case, the individual or company they outsource to will be equally competent. The primary difference will be an overall greater level of flexibility offered by outsourcing this portion of the design process versus keeping it in house.

Flexibility is a key component of maintaining the largest margins possible. When a project is on the horizon that requires architectural rendering services, hiring an outside company to handle this aspect of the job can be an excellent way for a company to keep focused on its core offering. When there is no need for such a service, such as during times rich with different kinds of projects, having a leaner payroll enriches other, more core operations.

Hiring a rendering company for architectural rendering services is a good idea when this operation is not a core component of the business that needs such work performed. Construction companies and companies with other kinds of focuses can maintain higher profit margins and trim costs dramatically through outsourcing such designing operations to outside companies. To see our portfolio of our work click here.


3D Rendering For Furniture Companies

Furniture companies who want to present their products in a catalog that will appeal to customers have traditionally been restricted to carrying out lengthy and often costly photography shoots in an attempt to get the perfect images. Now, 3D rendering could make such tedious activities a thing of the past. Instead of creating models of every piece of furniture that needs to be displayed, furniture companies can now use the services of a 3D rendering company to create computer-generated images of their products.

The cost benefits of 3D rendering for furniture companies are clear. Every piece of furniture in the company's collection can be digitally created and the images manipulated to get the perfect shot, without a single physical object having to be manufactured, transported, or disposed of after the shoot. This can add up to massive savings for the furniture company through the materials and labor costs that are avoided by using rendering instead of traditional photography to create images for the catalog.

The 3D rendering technology makes it easy to apply different colors to show similar pieces made from different types of wood, fabric, metal or plastic. The results are very realistic - IKEA found that readers of their catalog could not tell the difference between rendered images and photographs of real furniture.

In many cases, the images produced by digital rendering can be even more impressive than those taken by a professional photographer. The number and direction of light sources can be easily controlled through only a few clicks of a mouse, so that every piece of furniture is shown off in the best setting possible. Furniture companies are able to communicate effectively with potential customers who are treated to the best possible images of the furniture available for sale.

The 3D renderings produced by PiXate are highly detailed and precise, allowing furniture makers to show off their chairs, tables, sofas or other pieces of furniture in stunning detail. First, the general shape of the piece of furniture is created. Next, the details such as trimmings and fastenings are added in. The colors are applied at a late stage, just before the final corrections are made. Building up the 3D rendering in this way is a painstaking process that uses large amounts of computer memory, but the final result is well worth the effort.

More information about the rendering process and examples of finished projects are available on the PiXate 3D area on their website. Pixate frequently works with architects, engineers and other professionals, creating 3D renderings that have a strong positive impact in marketing products and raising the professional profile of a manufacturer. New examples of completed work are regularly added to Pixate's online portfolio; please provide your email address to be kept up to date with the latest news and get access to more information.

Selling Vacation Properties Before They're Built

Different considerations are made when one is buying primary residence and when one is buying  a vacation home. For the primary residence, factors like distance from one's workplace,  the amenities like schools and hospitals that are around and the transport network are considered. For a vacation home, the goal is a place that is an escape from the mundane and ordinary.  Thanks to technological developments like 3d visualization, property home developers can find buyers for them even before they are even built.

Ready buyers
This is key because if developers can find buyers beforehand, they can secure the funds in form of deposits and avoid taking  a construction loan.  Vacation homes have more extras in terms of amenities for leisure and relaxation.  This include Jacuzzis, hot tubs, tennis courts, swimming pools, terraces and other such features which make them much more expensive to build.

3d walkthroughs
3d visualization makes it possible to take potential buyers through properties that are to be built through 3d walkthroughs. These is the most effective tool for pre-sale marketing available.  It shows every detail of property that is being developed and with a very high level of detail and realism.

A buyer is able to see details like the color of candles around a bathtub, the color of the flowers in the flower garden and  they can see how the water glistens in the pool. The details are so clear they will feel like they are already in the house and that goes a long way in turning an admirer into a buyer.

Zooming in
With 3d visualization, one can zoom in and look at one particular aspect of the  entire plan. For instance, they can have a look at the floor plan either of the entire house or a particular room,  the closets,  the cabinets and other storage spaces,  landscape plans and other plans for specific spaces.

The facility also makes it possible for a developer to make customized vacation homes. If a buyer can see a plan beforehand, they have the chance to give their input and put in requests for specific features to be incorporated into their home. They can ask for specific dimensions, color choices, fixtures, fittings and finishing.  Being able to customize is a great selling point for buyers that developers can use to market them.

Mobile marketing

Today's world moves fast. To keep up, gadgets like cell phones, tablets, ipads and other such devices are a must. Another advantage of 3d visualization is that it is marketing that can be done anywhere and at any time. A vacation home developer can send plans to potential buyers anywhere in the world on these gadgets. It can done  by architects, property managers, builders, property developers to market their designs for vacation homes.

Hook and sell

It has been proven through research that visualization is a major factor in getting a website visitor to stay on a site. Give them not only still photos or flash photos but 3d visualization and you get a visitor to linger on your website. And that means having the chance to convert a site visitor to a buyer. Making it possible for one to take a virtual walk through the rooms of a vacation home is an experience that evokes emotions that inclines a  potential buyer to want to walk through the home once it is completed.

To have 3d visualization done, one only needs to submit  2D plans and they will be developed into 3d plans.  Plans can be done for floors only, particular rooms, gardens and outdoor spaces or for an entire house.  Get it done and see virtual tourists become actual buyers. Contact PiXate Creative or take a look at our capabilities video on YouTube.

Computer Generated Interior Home image with furniture details

Outsourcing 3D Visualization of Interior Design

Are you an engineer, architect or construction manager for a large commercial project and the idea-stage is at a standstill? You understand the concept, but turning the project into a reality is one daunting task to face. This is where architectural visualization experts can aid you in turning a concept into something you can see with 3D illustrations to get stakeholder approval, especially when it comes to interior design choices.

Visualization Block

Much like writers block, professionals responsible for offering stakeholders realistic visuals of the final project including interiors can be challenging but it doesn’t have to be. Your job as the manager of the project at hand is to accomplish set goals outlined in the project scope and provide sketches and images of desired results, but when you’re brain is in visualization shut-down mode obtaining help from experienced architectural visualization and commercial interior design pros is something to consider.

Turning Concepts Into Visuals

Window treatments, tile and flooring choices and even something as simple as where office cubicles will be placed are something stakeholders want to see. They also want to see detailed interiors of utility rooms, restrooms, employee break rooms and conference areas showing where essential room accents will be placed right down to the smallest detail.

Imagine a pre-construction meeting with your client where you can reveal intricate detail on how each room will be set up with furniture, accents including wall coverings and flooring. What if you were able to offer 3D renditions of actual brands of appliances and furniture and fixtures within architectural visualization schematics? Wouldn't these pre-selected elements help clients make smarter, faster and desired choices before investing the expense?

How important is interior design to stakeholders of large commercial building projects? Very, and if you're able to show them not just one choice but a few via the renditions PiXate Creative sketches offer, this is one less hurdle to jump; nothing is better than a visual impression showing detailed interiors with a complete finished design instead of the normal architectural layout clients are used to seeing with the interior design elements offered later.

Our detailed interior visualizations offer choices by showing various textures, colors and paint ideas based on the layout of the building, its final purpose and industry. A professional interior for a large law firm compared to a comfortable feel for a medical facility. Some clients may seek the funky and relaxed such as the open interior design of Google or Apple offices. Others may look for the quaint, the unique, or window  and wall coverings that invite the end-user in and make them feel comfortable.

The purpose of architectural visualization interior design is to put choices in front of the client at the very same time architectural layouts are provided. In these days of Instagram and Infographics, visual communication has become the way to connect with clients and the richer and more detailed the images are, the better.

Marketing for Success

At PiXate Creative we began with 3D renderings of not just building layouts but also the visuals essential for interior design. Because the eyes and the brain will remember what they see conceptualized.

How fast do you think you'll achieve total job approval if those aforementioned visuals were embedded into the minds of the client? Wouldn't your job be much easier if the interiors were fully stocked with renderings offering the complete package? Wouldn't you enjoy less stakeholder meetings and get on with the project by gaining approvals faster? Let us show you how this can be possible with our commercial interior design skills through architectural visualization!